Website and app development
We run projects with varying degrees of complexity and subject matter – from corporate websites to major online stores. We also create native and cross-platform apps for Android and iOS from scratch.
As part of our creation of your web resource, you will receive adaptation for mobile devices, basic SEO, competent usability and a guarantee for all types of projects.
How we work
AnalyticsBusiness and TA expectations analysis, determination of the competitive advantages of your product/service
StrategySetting of project goals (sales, new clients, increased brand recognition, etc.) and determination of the range of tools to be used to achieve them
Drafting competent TSDrafting of a document specifying all technical requirements for the future web resource: visual design, section structure and content, connecting additional services and integrations
Design and prototypingCreation of page prototypes with detailed element layout and navigation
DesignCreation of the visual design of the website within TS
Adaptive layoutConversion of layouts to HTML and their adaptation for any browser on any device
Programming and integrationConnection of the necessary software, as well as CMS and loading tool selection
Content fillingCreation of relevant, useful text materials and their publication on the website
TestingSearching for dead links, incorrectly displayed information or broken elements
Technical supportIncludes filling the resource with new content, creating pages, placing products, collecting analytics and improving functionality